

かんたん/便利な天気予報表示器(Arduino-IDE, ESP32)

f:id:a-tomi:20220306161436j:plainこの季節は天気予報が頻繁に変わるのに気づきます。PCやスマホなどで見れば豊富に出てくるわけですが、この際は、常時表示してくれる小さな予報器が手元に欲しくなりました^^; 今回はその試作記事を書きます。

筆者はこのところ省エネ型土壌水分(pF)計などに没頭中なのですが、出せる内容の開陳は少し先になりそう。そこで、このブログの記事を長らくさぼってしまってすみませんm(_ _ )m。久々に時間の取れる週末が来たので、気分転換も兼ね、天気予報器作りに早速トライをしました。

自分で気象観測して予報してもあまり当たりません(・・? 。ですからもちろんWebのオープンデータを使います^^; ので、逆にすぐできそうです。ネットを少し調べた限りは、世界の地域とデータを広くカバーするOpenWeatherMapの個人用APIを使うのがよさそうです。常に更新されています。

Weather API - OpenWeatherMap





この目的では5 Day / 3 Hour Forecastを使います。データとしては5日分が来ますが、なにせ、これより後の予報はだいぶ変わりやすいよう(??)で。



    Local Weather Forecaster  for ESP32 (Serial output)
      Original version V.00    Mar.5, 2022 (c) Akira Tominaga
        - Get forecast Json data via OpenWeatherMap API.
        - Extract required data and print to Serial monitor.
 * ***************************************************************/
#include "HTTPClient.h"
HTTPClient http;
#include "ArduinoJson.h"
// *** for accesses to Weather-Map API
const char* ssid = "Your SSID here"; 			// (1)
const char* password =  "Your password here";   	// (2)
const String API_URL = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/";
//const String inq_Weather = "weather?q=Saitama,jp&APPID="; //(3)
const String inq_Fcst = "forecast?q=Saitama,jp&APPID=";     //(4)
const String key = "your API key given by openweathermap";  //(5)

void setup() {  // ***** ESP32 setup() ******
  Serial.begin(9600);  delay(100);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);  	// connect to WiFi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.println("Connected to WiFi\n");
void loop() { // ***** ESP32 loop() *****
  http.begin(API_URL + inq_Fcst + key); // get weather fcst
  while (http.GET() <= 0) {      // if no response,
    Serial.print("x");           // then print x
    delay(3000);                 // try 3 sec later
  String payload = http.getString();  //get json data
  // Serial.println(payload); 	// for debug only
  DynamicJsonBuffer jBuf;
  String json = payload;
  JsonObject& wD = jBuf.parseObject(json);
  if (!wD.success()) {
    Serial.println("parseObject Err");
  } else {
    // *** select from Json Buffer and show them
    for (int dN = 0; dN < 8; dN++) {
      const char* sky = wD["list"][dN]["weather"][0]["main"].as<char*>();
      const double temp = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["temp"].as();
      const double hum = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["humidity"].as();
      const double pres = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["pressure"].as();
      // *** get Japan time by adding 9hours (i.e.: + 3 in the array)
      const char* dt = wD["list"][dN + 3]["dt_txt"].as<char*>(); // +9h = JST
      // *** replace weather expressions, as you like
      String Weather = String(sky);
      if (sky[2] == 'e') Weather = " Fine "; // Clear
      if (sky[3] == 'u') Weather = "Cloudy"; // Clouds
      if (sky[2] == 'i') Weather = " Rainy"; // Rain
      if (sky[0] == 'S') Weather = " Snowy"; // Snow
      String NN_temp = String(temp - 273.2); // convert absolute temp to Celsius
      NN_temp = NN_temp.substring(0, NN_temp.length() - 1); // cut 0.01 digit
      if (NN_temp.length() == 3) NN_temp = " " + NN_temp;
      // *** shorten calendar expression
      uint8_t iMM = (dt[5] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[6] & 0x0F);
      uint8_t iDD = (dt[8] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[9] & 0x0F);
      uint8_t ihh = (dt[11] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[12] & 0x0F);
      char MDDhh[12];
      sprintf(MDDhh, "%2d/%02d %02d:00", iMM, iDD, ihh);
      // *** output to Serial Interface
      Serial.print(MDDhh); Serial.print("  ");
      Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(NN_temp); Serial.print("℃, ");
      Serial.print(hum, 0); Serial.print("%, ");
      Serial.print(pres, 0); Serial.println(".hPa");
    http.end();               // release resources
    delay(60000);             // ***update every 60S < 530,000/Y < rule/Y
// *** end of program




 3/06 12:00  Cloudy 10.9℃, 23%, 1005.hPa
 3/06 15:00  Cloudy 10.8℃, 21%, 1005.hPa
 3/06 18:00  Cloudy  8.5℃, 26%, 1007.hPa
 3/06 21:00  Cloudy  6.0℃, 29%, 1010.hPa
 3/07 00:00   Fine   5.4℃, 30%, 1010.hPa
 3/07 03:00   Fine   5.0℃, 33%, 1012.hPa
 3/07 06:00   Fine   4.6℃, 33%, 1014.hPa
 3/07 09:00  Cloudy  7.5℃, 23%, 1016.hPa

 3/06 12:00  Cloudy 10.9℃, 23%, 1005.hPa
 3/06 15:00  Cloudy 10.8℃, 21%, 1005.hPa
 3/06 18:00  Cloudy  8.5℃, 26%, 1007.hPa
 3/06 21:00  Cloudy  6.0℃, 29%, 1010.hPa
 3/07 00:00   Fine   5.4℃, 30%, 1010.hPa
 3/07 03:00   Fine   5.0℃, 33%, 1012.hPa
 3/07 06:00   Fine   4.6℃, 33%, 1014.hPa
 3/07 09:00  Cloudy  7.5℃, 23%, 1016.hPa












    Local Weather Forecaster  for ESP32
      Original version V.00    Mar.5, 2022 (c) Akira Tominaga 
        - Get forecast Json data via OpenWeatherMap API. 
        - Extract required data and display on TFT-LCD.
      LCD (ILI9488 480x320) to ESP32 pins:(reflect to User_setup.h) 
        SCLK-16, MOSI-17, DC-18, RST-19, CS- 21  
 * ***************************************************************/
#include "HTTPClient.h"
HTTPClient http;
#include "ArduinoJson.h"
#include "TFT_eSPI.h"         // with "User_Setup.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Free_Fonts.h"       // Include this into sketch folder
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();

// *** for accesses to Weather-Map API
const char* ssid = "Your SSID here";
const char* password =  "Your password here";
const String API_URL = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/";
const String inq_Weather = "weather?q=Saitama,jp&APPID="; // set your city
const String inq_Fcst = "forecast?q=Saitama,jp&APPID=";   // set your city
const String key = "your API key given by openweathermap";

void setup() {  // ***** ESP32 setup() ******
  tft.setRotation(1);               // from 320x480 to 480x320
  tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);        // background color
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE);      // set initial text WHITE
  tft.setTextDatum(TC_DATUM);       // Datum at top center
  header("Weather forecast at Saitama City"); // draw header
  footer("https://a-tomi.hatenablog.com/");   // draw footer
  tft.setTextColor(TFT_GOLD); tft.drawString("by Akira Tominaga", 239,150,4);
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);       // connect to WiFi network
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // if not connected
    delay(1000);                    // then wait and do again
void loop() { // ***** ESP32 loop() *****
  http.begin(API_URL + inq_Fcst + key); // get weather fcst
  while (http.GET() <= 0) {        // if no response,
    delay(3000);                   // then wait and do again
  String payload = http.getString(); //get Json format data
  DynamicJsonBuffer jBuf;
  String json = payload;
  JsonObject& wD = jBuf.parseObject(json);
  if (!wD.success()) {
    //Serial.println("Err at parseObject"); // for debug only
  } else {
    // *** select from Json buffer and show them
    tft.fillRect(0, 29, 480,269, TFT_DARKGREEN); // erase former data
    int xpos =  10, ypos = 40;  // set initial LCD postion
    for (int dN = 0; dN < 8; dN++) {
      const char* sky = wD["list"][dN]["weather"][0]["main"].as<char*>();
      const double temp = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["temp"].as();
      const double hum = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["humidity"].as();
      const double pres = wD["list"][dN]["main"]["pressure"].as();
      // *** get Japan time by adding 9hours (i.e.: + 3 in the array)
      const char* dt = wD["list"][dN + 3]["dt_txt"].as<char*>(); // +9h = JST
      // *** shorten calendar expression to MDDhh
      uint8_t iMM = (dt[5] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[6] & 0x0F);
      uint8_t iDD = (dt[8] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[9] & 0x0F);
      uint8_t ihh = (dt[11] & 0x0F) * 10 + (dt[12] & 0x0F);
      char MDDhh[12];
      sprintf(MDDhh, "%2d/%02d %02d:00", iMM, iDD, ihh);
      // *** show data on TFT-LCD
      tft.setTextDatum(TL_DATUM);  // Datum at top left
      tft.setTextSize(1); tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE);
      String ss = String(MDDhh);  xpos = 10;
      tft.drawString(ss, xpos, ypos, 4); // draw date and time w/Font-4
      // *** replace weather expressions, as you like
      String Weather = String(sky);
      if (sky[2] == 'e') {        // if Clear
        Weather = "  Fine  "; tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW);
      if (sky[3] == 'u') {        // if Clouds
        Weather = "Cloudy"; tft.setTextColor(TFT_LIGHTGREY);
      if (sky[2] == 'i') {        // if Rain
        Weather = " Rainy "; tft.setTextColor(TFT_SKYBLUE);
      if (sky[0] == 'S') {        // if Snow
        Weather = " Snowy "; tft.setTextColor(TFT_SILVER);
      // *** prepare and output strings
      String stemp = String(temp - 273.2); // convert temp-K to Celsius
      stemp = stemp.substring(0, stemp.length() - 1); // cut 0.01 digit
      if (stemp.length() == 3) stemp = "  " + stemp; // fix length
      String shum = String(hum); shum = shum.substring(0, shum.length() - 3);
      String shPa = String(pres); shPa = shPa.substring(0, shPa.length() - 3);
      ss = Weather + stemp + "C, " + shum + "%," + shPa + ".hPa";
      // *** output weather
      xpos = 150;                     // set xpos for weather
      tft.drawString(ss, xpos, ypos, 4);  // Draw text with Font-4
      ypos += 31;
    http.end();               // release resources
    delay(60000);             // ***update every 60S < 530,000/Y < rule/Y
    User defined functions
 *  *****************************************************************/
// ***** show screen header *** header(string) *****
void header(const char *string) {
  tft.fillRect(0, 0, 480, 30, TFT_NAVY);
  tft.drawString(string, 239, 2, 4); // Font 4 with default bg
// ***** show screen footer *** footer(string) *****
void footer(const char *string) {
  tft.fillRect(0, 300, 480, 320, TFT_NAVY);
  tft.drawString(string, 239, 300, 2); // Font 2 for fast drawing with background
// ***** end of program ***




©2022 Akira Tominaga, All rights reserved.